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Looking for More Than Just Martial Arts for Your Children?

Looking for More Than Just Martial Arts for Your Children?

Little Ninja, such a vibrant community if I have to say it myself.. Watching how the programme evolved through the years and witnessing initially timorous children becoming more confident with training under the tutelage of all the Senseis (& assistants!) is just superb. The Little Ninja programme emcompasses so many things under one umbrella, fitness,… View more

Self Defense Programme Starting!!

Self Defense Programme Starting!!

Hi everyone, Sensei Suga would like to put a feeler out there, to see if you will be interested in learning practical self protection lessons. The course will consist of a multitude of martial art disciplines and primarily geared towards female self defense. We have ran successful programmes in the past! Also, from 30/5/2018, Sensei… View more