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How to Build Stronger Bonds With Your Community

We train for our Community here at SPARTAFIT /Little Ninja/Karate Kids Community is a huge deal here at priority fitness this is why we will make sure we do everything we can do to create a community within our memberships. Nicknames In a 2009 researchers examined the intimate language made up of nicknames and code phrases… View more

Little Ninja Games 2018- Summer time!

Little Ninja Games 2018- Summer time!

Summer Body Diet Advice!!! With summer approaching in under 9 weeks, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, feeling good, and looking good set to be on the top of your priority list? Kick start your summer diet with these tips!!! Nutrient Rich Food Whether you’re trying to lose weight, increase muscle size or tone, supply your body… View more

Welcome onboard Weaam!

Welcome onboard Weaam!

Hi, my name is Weaam Bassiouni and I am originally from Egypt but have lived in New Zealand with my parents and 4 younger brothers for almost 15 years. I Have been doing Taekwondo for almost 4 years and am currently a red belt. Along with English, I also speak Arabic and am studying French… View more

Are You Ready For Little Ninja?? (In Chinese)

Are You Ready For Little Ninja?? (In Chinese)

小武土活动班Little Ninja 课程大約一小时,环境宁靜。教练有19年的经验。 年齡对像从3岁到10岁的孩子。学习武术,及纪律。 第一节课只需16元。 请联系我们,以获取最新的上课时间。 小武土Little Ninja是奥克兰最受欢迎的儿童课程之一,所以请尽早预订。目前小忍者的课程每周一至周六举行。 电邮:office@littleninja.co.nz,或浏覧www.littleninja.co.nz 电话: (09) 418-3178 地址: 45 Woodside Ave, Northcote, Auckland