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Self Defense Programme Starting!!

Self Defense Programme Starting!!

Hi everyone, Sensei Suga would like to put a feeler out there, to see if you will be interested in learning practical self protection lessons. The course will consist of a multitude of martial art disciplines and primarily geared towards female self defense. We have ran successful programmes in the past! Also, from 30/5/2018, Sensei… View more

Are You Ready For Little Ninja?? (In Chinese)

Are You Ready For Little Ninja?? (In Chinese)

小武土活动班Little Ninja 课程大約一小时,环境宁靜。教练有19年的经验。 年齡对像从3岁到10岁的孩子。学习武术,及纪律。 第一节课只需16元。 请联系我们,以获取最新的上课时间。 小武土Little Ninja是奥克兰最受欢迎的儿童课程之一,所以请尽早预订。目前小忍者的课程每周一至周六举行。 电邮:office@littleninja.co.nz,或浏覧www.littleninja.co.nz 电话: (09) 418-3178 地址: 45 Woodside Ave, Northcote, Auckland